If you’ve had a cavity in your tooth for a long time, you might need to get a dental crown near you to repair it. Dental crowns encircle the entire tooth. They’re typically bonded to the tooth using dental cement.
Dental crowns are restorations that cover the entire tooth. They improve the tooth’s appearance, protect it from further damage, and strengthen it. They come in different types, and the type of dental crown used largely depends on your dental needs.
Teeth crowns come in different versions, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal.
Porcelain crowns can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth and protect them from further damage.
However, these crowns are more expensive than other types of dental crowns.
Ceramic dental crowns are a type of dental crown that is made from ceramic material.
Some advantages include that they are strong and durable, can match the color of your natural teeth, and are less likely to cause allergic reactions. Some disadvantages include that they are more expensive than other dental crowns, they can chip or break, and they may not last as long as different dental crowns.
Stainless steel crowns are sturdy and do not require a long procedure. Because of that, they are often used as a temporary solution or in children.
While dental crowns are usually made from porcelain, gold crowns are also an option. Gold crowns have several advantages, including their durability and resistance to wear. However, they also have some disadvantages, such as their high cost.
Ultimately, the decision of which crown is ideal should be made by you and your dentist near you based on your individual needs and preferences.
A dentist in 33756 will recommend dental crowns if the teeth are severely decayed or damaged. A crown essentially covers the entire tooth, protecting it from further damage.
These restorations can also be used for cosmetic purposes like to cover up misshapen or discolored teeth. Dental crowns are a last resort after failing other, less invasive treatments.
The dental crown procedure is straightforward, and it only dental visits spread across three to four weeks. The dentist will numb the gums and prepare the crown. This involves shaping the tooth so that the crown can fit over it. The amount of enamel trimmed will depend on the crown type and circumstances. Large portions of the tooth may have to be extracted due to decay or damage.
Your dentist may also use filling material to rebuild it. Once the tooth is prepared, the dentist in Clearwater will place the crown over the teeth and secure it with dental cement or bonding agent. Finally, the area is checked for fit and bite, and any adjustments are made as necessary.
Dental crowns are an increasingly popular treatment option for those looking to improve the appearance of their smile.
However, there are complications associated with dental crowns. The most common complication is that the crown may not fit properly, leading to discomfort and further damage to the tooth. In addition, the crown may fall out, which can be painful and require expensive and invasive corrective surgery. You may also develop a small risk of infection associated with dental crowns. Visit a dental office in Clearwater if you experience signs of infection like pain or gum swelling. While the risks and complications associated with dental crowns are relatively rare, it is essential to be aware of them before undergoing any dental procedure.
Dental crowns have a lifespan of anywhere from 5 to 15 years. However, the lifespan of a dental crown depends on several factors, including the material it is made from, the tooth’s location, and the patient’s oral hygiene habits. Regardless of the material you choose, it is important to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly to ensure that your crown lasts as long as possible.
Visit Soni Smiles for more information about the dental crown procedure and what you can expect.