It’s not uncommon or unusual for people to want to improve their smile and appearance. After all, our teeth can chip, crack, discolor, and get extracted because of decay. This creates an unsightly appearance as well as damage your dental integrity. Having a smile makeover will provide the perfect solution that can help restore the teeth function and integrity.
We offer several smile makeover procedures to help you regain your dental appearance and confidence. Our services are designed to benefit people with stained teeth, poor teeth alignment, and improper bite. Below are five reasons why you need a makeover:
Despite having proper dental hygiene, your teeth can discolor and get stains. This is because of various factors like age. As we age, the enamel begins to wear out. This exposes the dentin, which is yellow or brown. Our lifestyle also can affect the enamel. Drinking too much coffee, wine, tea, and using soy sauce can change the color of the teeth. Smoking is also a factor that changes your teeth appearance.
Teeth whitening is a procedure that can help remove stains. Two options are available–commercial products and professional teeth whitening treatment. We recommend getting the in-office because the dentist can protect the teeth and gums and prevent bruising.
Commercial teeth whitening products are readily available. However, some are ineffective and can damage the enamel.
If you have severe discoloration, the dentist can recommend veneers and crowns to cover the stains and restore your teeth.
Missing teeth are unsightly, but more than that, they affect your teeth and dental structure. When you have gaps, your surrounding teeth can begin to shift to fill them. This will weaken the teeth and also causes the supporting bone to disintegrate. If your stay with these gaps for an extended period, the alveolar bone will begin to get reabsorbed. Replacing your teeth is important to your dental appearance and structure.
Dental bridges close the gaps between the teeth and help to stop bone loss. Bridges are a non-invasive procedure that is done in two dental visits. Your enamel requires reshaping for the bridges to fit. Bridges last for about 15 years with proper care, but you will have to replace them at some points.
Dental implants are also an option if you have sufficient bone support. The implants are fixed on the jaw to anchor the artificial teeth.
When you have oddly shaped teeth, it can ruin your smile. Although the teeth are not a dental threat, they damper your confidence.
Dental veneers can help reshape your teeth to restore the size and appearance.
Veneers are fixed in two dental visits, and they cover the teeth enamel. But, the teeth need a bit of trimming to have the veneers fit.
Cracked teeth can trap tiny particles of food and create a perfect environment for bacteria to grow and cause decay. Plus, they also create an unsightly appearance. Using veneers can change the shape, color, and appearance of the teeth.
Alternatively, crowns can help fix these imperfections. But, unlike the veneers, dental crowns encase the entire tooth.
Misaligned teeth are a dental challenge. They not only damage your smile but also affect your dental health. Misaligned teeth make it challenging for you to clean all the teeth properly, increasing the risk of decay.
Braces are used to align your teeth to the correct position. Several options are available from metal braces to Invisalign that can help you attain your goal.
Your procedure is done in different steps:
Visit Soni Smiles dental clinic for more information on our smile makeover services.